Privatisation of Discos, various IPPs projects under study


ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Privatisation and Board of Investment Abdul Aleem Khan and Federal Minister for Power and Works Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari held a detailed meeting in which they discussed the privatisation of DISCOs and various projects of IPPs for the purpose of privatisation.
It was decided that the process of privatisation would be accelerated.
Similarly, the pace of handing over the projects of the Ministry of Energy to the private sector will also be expedited.
Both federal ministers Aleem Khan and Awais Leghari gave instructions to the relevant departments to finalise the process of privatisation as soon as possible.
Aleem Khan assured all possible cooperation from his department in this regard.
It was decided that a meeting of concerned sections will be convened soon for the privatisation of various projects of DISCOs and IPPs so that the pace of work in this regard can be reviewed and the process can be completed as soon as possible.

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